Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What a Couple of Months

Wow, what a couple of months it has been since the last blog post, in a good way of course. The middle of the month of April poured in a bunch of work, including our first Drupal site (which I would not recommend for the faint of heart, but more on that in a later post) and 4 new DotNetNuke sites. Lucky for me we have some great design partners and they all happened to need our services all at the same time. Here is a bit of the work we did over that time:

http://www.nwhomefacts.com/ (DNN Site)
http://www.pnwfertility.com/ (DNN Site)
http://www.terra-organics.com/ (DNN Site)
http://www.wajumpstart.org/ (DNN Site)
http://www.thirddegreeadv.com/ (Not live as of this post they are still adding content - Drupal Site)

Business is still coming in at a good clip but I have finally had a minute to sit back and think up some great subjects for some upcoming blog posts. Another thing I've been able to do is think about some of the things that need to be done internally to keep our "machine" well oiled. That includes finally moving our site over to DNN, updating and adding some content and, fingers crossed, translating it to Italian (something I've been wanting to do for about a year now). I'm also going to re-establish my effort to blog at least once a month, that two month "vacation" was a bit ridiculous.